Friday, January 20, 2012

Spell Bottles

My boyfriend and I did a ritual where we made spell bottles for him and 2 of our friends. We moved my altar from its usual spot on my dresser in the closet, and put it on a large foot rest that we could kneel in front of. Then we constructed a circle together where I called Isis and he called Hermes. (This was his first ritual, but his grandma teaches Greek mythology.) 

Making the spell bottles was simple. We made his first which included:  cinnamon, lavender, ginger, star anise, senna, chamomile, spearmint, agrimony, blackberry leaves, wormwood, and allspice. There wasn't an overall specific intent we were making them for, just a little bit of everything. In the other two there were galangal root, mugwort, myrrh, lavender, hyssop, lemongrass, licorice, and fennel seed to name a few.

We put about a pinch of each herb into little 2 ml vials I had purchased a few days earlier. As we put the herbs in, we would picture the person and how they would look with the help of that herb. (So for lavender, I pictured our friend sleeping soundly.)

After preparing the bottles, we set them on my window sill to charge in the full moon overnight. (I also put my holy water there with them to recharge it.) In the morning, I put them back on my altar and tied a ribbon with a safety pin around one of them. (My friend pinned his to his jacket.) I kept them on my altar until the next time I saw each of them and gave it to them. 

It was really nice. He said he enjoyed it and he even talked about making an altar in his bedroom to help him sleep, as he has severe insomnia.  (Not entirely sure if he really plans on doing it, though.) He also said he'd help me with a ritual when I do a bottle for myself.

Blessed Be,

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