
Color Correspondences 

These correspondences are for ME. Of course you can use them in your practice (or else I wouldn't have put them on my blog) but you need to know that the properties of each color are ones that work for me. Like how I have "worshiping Isis" under silver. Not all paths worship Isis, but she is my Matron Goddess and I associate silver with her. I would also recommend that you create your own color chart, but that's completely up to you(:

White: Cleansing, purity, moon magick, all-purpose
Purple: Psychic powers, protection, tranquility
Green: Money, Earth magick, growth
Blue: Water magick, sleep, health/healing
Red: Fire magick, passion, love, courage, strength
Yellow: Air magick, knowledge, mental health
Orange: Worshiping Ra (Egyptian Sun God), happiness, success, careers
Pink: Women, emotional love, self love, innocence
Silver: Worshiping Isis (My Matron Goddess--Egyptian), Worshiping any Goddess, money, beauty

Herb Correspondences:

The herbs listed below are only the herbs that I have in my possession. If you would like a better list, here's a link.

Agrimony: Protection, sleep
Blackberry leaves: healing, money, protection
Blessed Thistle: purification, hex-breaking
Catnip: Cat magick, love, beauty, happiness
Chamomile: money, sleep, hex-breaking
Damiana leaves: love, lust, visions
Dill seeds: protection, money, lust, love
Eucalyptus leaves: healing, protection
Gotu Kola: Meditations
Lavender: love, protection, sleep, peace, happiness, purification
Marjoram: Protection, love, happiness, health, money
Nettle leaves: Exorcism, protection, healing, lust
Pine: healing, fertility, protection, exorcism, money
Plantain: healing, strength, protection, snake repelling
Red Clover: Protection, love, lust, healing, purification, exorcism, sleep
Senna: Love magick
Spearmint: healing, love, mental powers
Wood Betony: protection, purification, love
Wormwood: Psychic powers, protection, love, calling spirits
Cinnamon: invite success, spirituality, change
Galangal root: abundance, releasing negativity, help with psychic abilities
Anise: protection, purifying mind/body/spirit, visions
Mugwort: enhance dreams, protection, heal mind/body/spirit, abundance
Althea: psychic abilities, remove negative spells, heal mind/body/spirit
Coriander: love, protection of the home, peace, psychic abilities
Burdock: protection of the home and yourself, purifying altars
Myrrh: spirituality, peace/joy, healing, invoking the Goddess
Uva Ursi: psychic awareness, spirituality
Roses: peace, love, help with grief
Lemongrass: sexual satisfaction, psychic abilities, purifying the home
Alfalfa: prosperity, fertility, harmony
Ginger: help in magick, protection, love
Licorice Root: love, luck, helps quitting smoking
Mojo Bean: abundant harvest, spirituality, help through hard times
Allspice: luck, abundance, help with relationships, removing negative energies
Hyssop: protection, purify altars, dispel depression
Vervain: remove negative spirits, love, calm emotions, peace/happiness
Life everlasting: prevent illness, passion
Fennel seed: protection, money, courage, purification
Comfrey: travel protection, abundance
Star Anise: luck, psychic abilities, sleep
Mullein: protection, curiosity, courage, visions
Juniper Berries: protection, love

~Will be adding more soon~

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