
~Always adding more~

*sigh* If you're even remotely new to Wicca, I'd appreciate it if you read this paragraph before trying any of my spells. I believe that spells are no more than prayers with a physical representation. If you're going to try one of my spells, notice that I left out any Words of Power (Or rhymes/chants you would say for the spell) because they should be your own words. I shouldn't have to tell you how to say a prayer (: And really, it's not as difficult as even I once thought. Just speak from your heart. And no, it doesn't have to rhyme. One more thing, all of these spells should be done in Sacred Space unless it is said otherwise.

Room Cleansing Spell

1 white candle - Taper or Pillar preferably, but if all you have is a tealight, go for it
1 plate

Physically clean the room first. Place the plate with candle on it as close to the center of the room as you can. (No Sacred Space or Circle needed for this spell.)

Pour the salt deosil (clockwise) around the candle. Light the candle and say your Words of Power. Basically your asking for all the negative energies in the room to go into the candle.

Let the candle burn for AT LEAST an hour, but it should be left to burn out by itself.

Now you want to get rid of the salt. I prefer flushing it down the toilet as it gets it away from house as quickly as possible. As you do so, announce that you are banishing all negativity from your home. End with "So mote it be."

Throw whatever's left of the candle, away.

Protection Candles - A favorite of mine

1 white candle for each person you're doing the spell for. (Make sure you have their permission first.)

On a full or waxing moon, gather all of your candles. Sit under the moon if possible and create Sacred Space.

Hold one of the candles in your hands. Envision the person you want this candle to be for with a protective circle of light around them. Say your words of power. You're asking the Goddess and God (I usually ask Isis.) to cleanse the candle, and to bring only love and light to the person whenever it's lit. End with "So mote it be."

Hold the candle in your hands until it is warm with energy, all the while, picturing that person in your mind with the light around them.

Mark the candle in some way so you know whose is whose.

Light the candle every time you feel that person needs love and light, protection, comfort etc. Also, you can use the candles whenever you do spellwork for them.


  1. Awesome. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yeah no prob ^^ thanks for reading my blog and taking the time to comment :)
