
~Always adding more~

Creating Sacred Space -- My way of casting a circle

In my practice, casting a circle traditionally never sat well with me. I prefer to create Sacred Space. I've tried many different circle casting methods and this one always works best for me:

Sit with your working candle in front of you. Light it and say whatever it is that you say as you light it usually. Now envision a ball of light starting between you and your candle. Push the bubble out with your mind until it envelops you and your working space completely.

After than, you would call the elements and deities.

When you're reading close the Sacred Space, (after you've released any deities and elements you've called) envision the bubble shrinking back between you and your candle.

Ground and Center.

Working Candle

A working candle is used whenever you are doing rituals/spell work. It is usually a white pillar candle with or without engraved symbols on it.

For my working candle, it's just a plain white taper candle. You should have something you say every time you light it. For me, I light it first, saying "For myself." Then the Goddess candle, saying "For the Goddess." etc. 

A working candle brings positive energies, love, and light to your circle.

To create a working candle, decorate it as you wish. Go under the full moon and ask any deities, spirit guides etc to be with you whenever you light the candle. Or - as I did - you could simply ask for there to be love and light associated with your candle.

Cleansing Items

Item(s) to be cleansed
Red Candle
Holy Water
Incense of your choice

Create Sacred Space. Pass the item through the incense 3 times. Say:

"Air blows all negativity from you."

For fire, you can either pass it through the flame 3 times or hole the item in your fist above the flame for 3 seconds. Say:

"The element of fire burns away all unwanted energies."

Sprinkle the item with Holy Water. Say:

"Water cleanses you of negativity."

Sprinkle with a bit of salt. Say:

"Earth cleanses you."

Hold the item in your hands, close to your heart, for 3 seconds. You can kiss the item to seal it if you wish, but it's not necessary. Say:

"You are now cleansed of all negativity."

**If you use an altar bell, now would be the time to ring it.**

Stone Cleansing

Bowl of Salt
Red Candle
Bowl of Water
Stone(s) you are cleansing

This cleansing should be done outside, under the full moone.

Set out the elemental representations in their appropriate spots on your altar. The stones should go in the middle or in the front. Cast a circle if you want, but its not necessary.

Sprinkle the stones with a bit of salt.

"Earth cleanses you."

Pass the stones through the incense 3 times.

"The element of Air blows all negativity from you."

Pass the stones through the candle flame 3 times. (For heat sensitive stones, hold them in your fist over the flame for 3 seconds.) Say:

"Fire burns out any unwelcome energy."

Sprinkle with water.

"water cleanses and purifies you."

Bury the stones in the ground (about 3-4 inches) over night so they can be cleansed by the full moon and be in their natural element as well. (Make sure you mark the spot where you buried them!) Take them inside and rinse them with water. (Preferably spring water.)

They are now cleansed.

**Still trying to decide how to cleanse water sensitive stones with water. Any ideas are welcome!!

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